For procedures carrying risk or complications such as surgical cases under anaesthesia, you will be asked to sign a consent form and confirm in writing that you understand what is planned and agree to it.
You have right to refuse the treatment and your doctor will explain the medical consequences of refusing the recommended treatment.
Responsbilities Of Patients
Provide accurate, relevant information for proper diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and counselling purposes.
Comply and follow doctors instructions diligently
Be responsible for your actions if you refuse treatment or refuse to follow the instructions.
Pay your bill promptly.
Attend follow up appointment as requested.
Always Remember -
Respect and be considerate to rights of other patients/staff.
Assist in control of noise.
Do not smoke / chew tobacco in the premises.
Keep your appointments and notify the clinic in case of delays or cancellations.
Respect the fact that some other patient’s medical condition may be worse than you, needing urgent attention. Accept that your doctor may need to attend to him/her first.
Do not give medications prescribed for you to others.